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أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 07-08-2017, 02:06 PM
messaid saadane messaid saadane غير متواجد حالياً
عضو نشيط
تاريخ التسجيل: Jul 2017
المشاركات: 43
معدل تقييم المستوى: 0
messaid saadane is on a distinguished road
Thumbs up GPS Navigation & Maps Sygic.v17.1.15 Unlocked

GPS Navigation & Maps Sygic.v17.1.15 Unlocked

GPS Navigation & Maps Sygic v17.1.15 Unlocked | 257 MB
Sygic is the world's most installed offline GPS navigation app with real-time traffic for Android with free 3D offline maps from TomTom. Sygic offers the most accurate real-time traffic information with data collected from 500 million users world-wide, provided by global automotive, mobile operators, mapping & traffic information suppliers.

* Offline maps will reduce your cellular data usage, no internet is required
* Real-Time traffic helps you avoid traffic jams
* Police radar/speed camera warnings save your money and time
* Park easily with parking place suggestions and info about availability and prices
* Find cheapest gas based on your gas type
* Head-up Display (HUD) makes driving at night safer
* Tourist attractions & pedestrian navigation
* Real-time route sharing lets you share your planned route, estimated time of arrival & current position on a map
* Dynamic Lane Guidance & Junction View for safe lane changes
* Voice guided navigation with spoken street names
* Free map updates multiple times per year
* Dashcam that records even while you are navigating
* Millions of points of interest (POI) on the map

Whether you are travelling, commuting to work, or driving professionally Sygic GPS Navigation & Maps is your one map for everything.

Maps of all countries of the World from TomTom and other providers
* Europe, Russia
* North & South America
* Africa
* Asia & Middle East
* Australia, New Zealand

minor improvements

1. Uninstall the previous version and delete the folder Sygic if exist.
1a. For Android
1b. For Android > 4.4+ Unzip and copy "Android","Maps","Res" from Sygic folder (basefolder archive) to Android/data/com.sygic.aura/files/put here Android,Maps,Res (internal storage or SD card (create, if not exists)
2. Use MapDownloader to download your region country.
3a. For Android
3b. For Android > 4.4+ Copy your downloaded maps to folder Android/data/com.sygic.aura/files/Maps/~put maps here~
4. Install Patched apk.
5. Start app, skip email and Enjoy!

Requires Android: 4.0.3 and up

Download link:




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